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Exclusion area settings

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​・Set the exclusion area for photo search. You can set up to 3 locations. Tap ">" to display the exclusion area setting screen.

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1. Setting name: Enter the name of the exclusion area setting.

2. Center of exclusion area: Displays the address and latitude and longitude of the center of the exclusion area.

3. Exclusion area radius selection: Select the radius of the exclusion area from "25, 50, 100, 250m, Free".

For "Free", the radius of the excluded area changes depending on the map display magnification. Can be set up to 5km.

4. Exclusion area radius: Indicates the set radius of the exclusion area.

5. Move to current location: Move to the location indicated by location information. When using it, please allow the use of location information.

6. Address search: Set the center of the exclusion area from the address.
7. Done: Set the current state and return to the Settings page.
8. Cancel: Cancel the current state and return to the Settings page.
9. Delete: Delete the current settings and return to the Settings page.

*To enable the exclusion area settings, please perform "Search All" again.

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